Works with writers seeking holistic editing, copyediting, or proofreading. Researches clients’ genre and preferred method of publication to create a pitch plan. For authors seeking self-publication, offers services as a typesetter. Offers publishing consultations, journal submission management, and social media marketing.
Consulting & Editing
Jennifer Fossenbell, writer and editor
“C. E. Janecek approached my work with not only obvious expertise as a reader and editor of poetry, but also a stunning degree of intuition and feeling. Their grasp of my work and what it was attempting to do was more immediate and complete than I’d ever experienced before, even in my MFA program. They gave me precise, actionable feedback that immediately rang true in my own sense of the manuscript. They saw with clarity the larger shape as well as the minute details, and pinpointed things I was unable to see myself. Though it’s too soon to boast successful publication (yet), that almost seems beside the point. It was a gift to have C. E. involved in my creative process as a sounding board and advisor. I certainly intend to bring my future projects back to them.”
Jen Cheng, Poet Laureate of West Hollywood
“As a public person and performer, I need a communications director to see if my poems have the right amount of framing by a speech. I am under timed pressures to make things fit and with quick turnaround. I am often speaking to a general audience who might not have come for the poetry performance. There are so many diverse tasks I’ve sent over to C. E., who has a holistic understanding of my needs—my role of Poet Laureate, my personal goals for my literary career, and my questions about ‘the literary business.’
As a child of immigrants and a queer feminist, I write on subculture topics that not just anyone can be a culturally-adept and trustworthy editor for. C. E. was highly recommended to me and they have exceeded my expectations. They have given me coaching advice on my other writing and helped me prioritize my submissions. They are an excellent and reliable sounding board for many of my big questions or tiny word edits. Truly the best thing I did for sanity was to bring C. E. on my team to help me make greater progress in my literary career.”
Freelance Editing
2024 – Structural editing, pitch planning, and copyediting on multiple poetry manuscripts for authors, including Jennifer Fossenbell, Lynn Kincanon, and Kathleen Willard. Submission management for John Calderazzo and others.
2023 – Structural feedback, pitch plan development, and copyediting on Kathleen Willard’s poetry manuscripts Heat and Electric Grace. Structural feedback on Molly Keegan’s literary fiction novel.
2022 – Copyediting Kathleen Willard’s poetry collection The Next Noise is Our Hearts (forthcoming from Middle Creek Publishing), including a one-on-one consultation and limited structural feedback.
2020 – Provided structural edits on Ryan Michael Painter’s childhood memoir, The Unexpected Son.
“A gay man and a small-town beauty. An inexplicable marriage and the inevitable divorce. A miracle child, growing up during an unfathomable plague.” – The Unexpected Son by Ryan Michael Painter
Managing Editor
Colorado Review
Managed the poetry Submittable queue and FileMaker Pro database. Communicated with contributors via email about contracts, proofs, and payment. Standardized procedure for sales tax reporting. Copyedited and proofread Colorado Review and poetry collections. Collaborated with review editors to request ARCs and streamlined system to solicit contributors and distribute books to reviewers. Typeset and designed creative covers for CR and other projects.
Daughters of Harriet
Copyedited Cynthia Parker-Ohene’s debut poetry collection, Daughters of Harriet, a Mountain/West Poetry Series book.
Mountain/West Poetry Series
Finalist, 2022 Los Angeles Times Book Prize for Poetry
Finalist, 2022 Foreword INDIES for Poetry
Finalist, 2022 Golden Poppy Award for Poetry
Finalist, 2022 San Francisco/Nomadic Literary Award for Poetry